Jan. 24, 2023
Inside - Spring Parade of Homes registration opens soon, Internships? Tell us about them! Welcome new members, Home Builders Care awards sponsorships
HBA works to address two-year tax exemption in Horace
Last week, HBA of F-M's CEO Bryce Johnson sent an email notifying you that Horace allowed its two-year property tax exemption on newly constructed homes to expire. We have been working diligently with the Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of Realtors to prepare for today's city council meeting.
Be More Colorful wins a free membership investment
Congratulations! Be More Colorful is the lucky winner of a free year of membership for 2023. All members who pay their investment bill before their renewal month are entered in a drawing. Each year we randomly select a winner. It pays to pay early!
- North Dakota Association of Builders addresses bills in Bismarck
- National Association of Home Builders' housing industry overview
HBA's 401k is growing in demand
HBA of F-M hosted an informational session outlining our newest member benefit: 401(k) PEP Plan. The plan can help you stay focused on your business by taking on administrative and fiduciary responsibilities!
Spring Parade registration opens Feb. 1
Registration for the Spring Parade of Homes will open Feb. 1. New this year, the Parade will welcome all types of housing including newly constructed homes, remodels and downtown living rental properties. Contact Janna Koble with any questions.
- Dates: May 6-8 and 13-15
- Noon - 5 p.m. Weekends
- Noon - 8 p.m. Mondays
Best Buy Ronald Zimmer B2B Marketing Manager (612) 859-8938
Do you know someone who would be a great fit for HBA of F-M membership?
Contact Spencer Carlson at (701) 232-5846.
Internships? Tell us about them
Do you have internships at your company that would apply to construction management and engineering students? Let us know!
One of the Student Chapter leaders has reached out and would like to pass along the information to his peers. Please send details to Elizabeth Kosel by Jan. 31.
Home Builders Care awards post-secondary scholarships
Every year, Home Builders Care of F-M Foundation awards scholarships to students working toward careers in the trades and construction industry. Earlier in the month, the Foundation presented $1,000 scholarships to ten post-secondary students from four schools.
Do you have good news?
New hire? Promotions? Fun facts? Opportunities?
We want to know: email it to Kelly Hudson. We will share it here.
New Year Celebration Jan. 26
Please join HBA of F-M as we welcome 2023, make connections and mingle with our city and community leaders. This event offers a chance to ask questions and hear from local mayors regarding building industry issues, goals and priorities. Registration cost is $65.
Giving Hearts Day Celebration Feb. 9
We are partying all day at the HBA! Come celebrate with us. Who will raise the most for Home Builders Care Foundation: HBA of F-M members or F-M Area Association of Realtors members? Together, we aim to hit $100,000 so Home Builders Care can continue inspiring talented future craftspeople, keeping housing attainable. Schedule your gift now!
Minnesota Contractor Continuing Education Feb. 16
Featuring topics handpicked and organized by our Education Committee: Building Science, Insulation, and Hot and Cold Roofs; Moorhead Codes Discussion; Worker Classification; Planning Projects with Engineered Roof and Floor Trusses.
HBA Happy Hour March 30
Save the date! Fargo Glass & Paint Company is hosting an HBA Happy Hour. It's everything you've come to expect from the HBA's Happy Hour events: free drinks, free food, priceless connections.
Home Builders Association of Fargo-Moorhead
1802 32nd Ave S | Fargo ND 58103
hbafm.com | info@hbafm.com
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