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BIA Advocacy Update

ND Primary Election is today! 

Today is the day to make your voice heard in North Dakota. This election selects our officials for local offices and serves as the primary to see what candidates move forward for legislative and statewide positions. We encourage you to exercise your right to vote.

Polls are open between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For locations and additional voting information, click here

There is also a nifty wait time dashboard so you can select a location with a shorter wait time. 

Fargo wants your feedback on their draft growth plan!

We invite you to review the draft Fargo Growth Plan and leave any comments or questions here. They are seeking feedback by June 21.

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis shares survey results

In April, BIA-RRV encouraged companies to participate in a survey on current conditions in the construction sector. 

Results include feedback from the Ninth District economy, which includes Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, western Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

They hosted a webinar reviewing the results, you can view a recording here, and the Powerpoint from the webinar can be viewed online here.

They also published a summary article of survey results. 

If you would like to view the results in more detail, please contact Elizabeth Kosel

BIA heads to Washington, D.C.

BIA leadership and staff and North Dakota Association of Builders leadership and staff are making their way to Washington, D.C. today for the National Association of Home Builders Spring Leadership Conference. This conference brings together Association leadership and staff from around the United States to share experiences and learn from one another. It is also an opportunity for us to meet with our congressional delegation at the Capitol. 

We will be sharing what is discussed in the next advocacy update.

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