Join us and the FMWF Chamber of Commerce/Foundation for lunch!
We will discuss the Chamber's workforce initiatives, the Chamber Foundation and work they're doing through Ignite FMWF.
The Chamber Foundation's mission statement is to strengthen the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo regional workforce ecosystem by activating community partners to engage in innovative approaches to solving our region’s pressing issues.
They concentrate on workforce and talent:
Ignite FMWF is a platform for educators, businesses, agencies and individuals seeking employment/training.
Our guest:
Curtis Sullivan, Ph.D., VP of Workforce and Culture
Curtis spent the last decade as an academic earning his MA in Communication from the University of Northern Colorado in 2015 and his Ph.D. in Communication from NDSU in 2019. After three years as a professor, Curtis, his wife, and their ever-growing family of pets returned to FMWF with serendipitous timing just a month before the FMWF Chamber announced receiving the Good Jobs Challenge grant through the US Economic Development Administration. Curtis has been managing this project for the past year and is collaborating across FMWF to make positive incremental change towards the growing list of workforce challenges facing our community.
$25 registration includes lunch